Dads And Daughters
A father influences his daughter in many important ways, including how they see themselves and what they will expect from men. Unfortunately, because of their inexperience, fathers don't always recognize the importance of their relationship and may step away from getting too close, especially as girls grow into adolescence. Parenting becomes more complicated and communication is difficult, but this is the time when daughters need their fathers the most. With this book, The author shows men how to strengthen their relationships with their daughters, and how to create a satisfying and happy relationship. He starts with a self-assessment quiz titled 'How Am I Doing as My Daughter's Father?' Dads can immediately see what kind of responsibility they have in their daughter's life. In order to educate fathers and give solutions when problems arise, the book provides useful coverage of the most essential issues that a girl encounters today, such as dating, sex, drinking, drugs and others.
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