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Public Group February 2, 2013


Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan Provinsi Jawa Barat


Public Group January 24, 2013

NH Middle School Literacy Group

Public Group December 10, 2012

Garth McKinney

Networking with literacy leaders “to research and implement effective models for reading support within the middle school schedule, including assessment tools for diagnosing middle school reading problems.”

Experiences with Student Cheating

Public Group December 3, 2012

Diane V

I am trying to survey other teachers about experiences they have had with students cheating. This is my Masters Project - I would like to use real people (teachers and students) as one avenue to assess the problem. I am interested in both how students cheat (new technologies always mean new ways) and why students cheat (pressure to succeed, peer pressure, lack of ethical education, etc.) Comments/Discussion welcome! Thanks!

Classroom Management

Public Group November 20, 2012


For all my inclusion teacher friends: Please help with the data collection portion of my thesis by completing the following 22 question survey. Your time and input is greatly appreciated. For current or previous inclusion teachers only. Thank you! (Please fill out completely)

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEF5M1BLNXN5dFNhdnlHYnVTLVFzaHc6MQ (highlight right click "go to")

Circle time

Public Group November 9, 2012

John Terin

Hello. I'd like to devote this group to social and emotional development in children. Lets discuss trainings by Jenny Mosley. What of them did you use. What results did you get?

free vector graphics

Public Group November 3, 2012

Boechusk bookiee

free vector graphics

Childhood behaviours

Public Group October 25, 2012

Shelly George

How do we control agressing and fighting in our classrooms. It is becoming a real problem and finding ways to deal with this while assisting students to improve their behaviours is a challenge. any help available?

Westside ESF

Private Group October 20, 2012

Lauri Massari

Pilot VLC

Usborne Books

Public Group October 18, 2012

Usborne Books

Usborne and Kane Miller books are the most exciting, engaging, and educational books on the market today. They are high quality, innovative, lavishly-illustrated and best of all they are the books kids love to read. Choose from almost 2000 bright colorful and fun titles covering a wide variety of subjects.

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